Smart Pay
Updated over a week ago

What is Smart Pay?

SmartPay helps you pay off your balance and prevent any missed payments. We have designed it to keep your card utilization low which can help build credit faster and prevent the risk of building up runaway debt.

How long does Smart Pay take?

Typically SmartPay initiates 1-2 days after you make a transaction. It can take up to 5 days for a transaction for a payment to complete.

Can I skip Smart Pay?

To defer SmartPay:

  • Visit Menu

  • Select SmartPay

  • Click "Skip SmartPay" and choose a future date.

You can do this once per month. If you ever need to extend it, simply reach out to support for us to reset you skip.

Can I skip Smart Pay?

You cannot skip Smart Pay. We do this to keep your card utilization low, however if now is not a good time, simply skip Smart Pay for a bit.

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