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How does Spend Power work?
How does Spend Power work?

A full guide on how Spend Power works on Atlas

Updated over a week ago

Spend Power on Atlas is how much you have available to spend on your Atlas card. This depends on your secured credit and unsecured credit, as well as any pending balance you have on your Atlas card.

Spend Power = secured credit + unsecured credit - pending balance.

Maximum Spend Power = secured credit + unsecured credit

For a full breakdown, tap Home > Credit Card > Card Details.

What is secured credit?

Secured credit is how much you have in your Atlas Deposit Account. If you add $500 to your Atlas Deposit Account, your Spend Power goes up by $500.

What is unsecured credit?

Unsecured credit is the part of your Spend Power on Atlas that doesn't require money in your Atlas Deposit Account. It involves two types of credit: 1) payroll credit and 2) flex credit.

What is payroll credit?

Payroll credit is credit Atlas offers you as long as you have a regular direct deposit linked to your Atlas Deposit Account. Set up even a partial direct deposit to unlock payroll credit. Start small, but grow it quickly up to $250. Once earned, Atlas never removes or decreases your payroll credit, as long as you've received a qualifying direct deposit in the last 34 days.

What is flex credit?

Flex credit is credit Atlas offers you based on your linked bank account. The healthier your linked bank account, among other factors, the higher your flex credit may be. Flex credit may increase or decrease as the health of your linked bank account changes.

Example Scenario

Let's say you have $1000 in your Atlas Deposit Account, your payroll credit is $200, and your flex credit is $35. Your maximum Spend Power is $1000 + $200 + $35 = $1235. If you have a $300 pending balance, your maximum Spend Power is still $1235 but your Spend Power (the amount you have available to spend) is $1235 - $300 = $935.

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