Property & Leases
Updated over a week ago

We can report rent for all residential properties

  1. What happens if my property manager or landlord doesn't want to join Atlas Rent Reporting? If we can't check your lease with your property manager or landlord, we can't offer you this service. Credit bureaus need us to confirm the lease with property managers to make sure it's real.

  2. What are the benefits to the property manager?

    1. Gain competitive advantage - differentiate by enabling tenants to build credit history

    2. Encourage good payment behavior

  3. What types of property do you accept? We can report rent for all residential properties like houses, apartments, condos, mobile homes, multi-family, etc. But we can't report rent for commercial or self-owned properties.

  4. Can I report rent payments for a property not registered under my name? No, your name and current rental address must be clearly stated in the lease.

  5. What happens if I move to a different rental property? Can I continue using Atlas Rent Reporting? Yes, you can continue to use Atlas Rent Reporting if you move to a different rental property. Just make sure to update us with your new rental details and email us the new lease at [email protected]

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